93 research outputs found

    Semantische Agenten im Information Retrieval : eine Studie über Semantic Web-Technologien

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    Die Vision des Semantic Web stellt eine Erweiterung des heutigen World Wide Web (WWW) dar, in der die Inhaltsstrukturen der Webseiten mit Hilfe von formalen Metasprachen erschlossen werden. Diese Metasprachen basieren auf einem fest definierten Logiksystem, so dass eine maschinell verarbeitbare Semantik entsteht, die auch Inferenzprozesse zulässt. Auf solchen Strukturen können semantische Software-Agenten operieren und interagieren und beispielsweise sehr effizient nach Informationen suchen, was in Anbetracht der rasanten WWW-Ausdehnung von wachsender Bedeutung ist. In einer Studie wurde die Programmierung des Semantic Web in einer abgegrenzten Domäne - hier Gemüseanbau - erprobt und die vielen ineinander greifenden Technologien und ihr Zusammenwirken untersucht. Dafür wurden Seiten aus dem WWW mit RDF annotiert und ein Web-Dienst entsprechend aufbereitet. Ferner wurden OWL-Ontologien entwickelt und schließlich ein Agent implementiert, der Informationen aus den Seiten und dem Web-Dienst extrahieren kann. Der Beitrag soll Einsichten in den Aufbau eines Semantic Web-Systems vermitteln, in den Stand der Technik einführen und die Möglichkeiten der Entwicklung aufzeigen

    Eine weitgehend unbekannte Größe: Freie im Lokalen: ein sozialintegratives Theoriemodell als Ansatz für eine Neujustierung der Journalismusforschung

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    Der theoretische Beitrag richtet seinen Fokus auf freie Mitarbeiter*innen im Lokalen in Tageszeitungen und ihren Onlineablegern. Die Akteure, die schon seit Jahrzehnten eine relevante Größe im Lokaljournalismus darstellen, haben in der Kommunikationswissenschaft bislang wenig Aufmerksamkeit erfahren. Der Beitrag liefert in zweifacher Hinsicht Anknüpfungspunkte für eine Neujustierung der Journalismusforschung: Er wählt erstens auf Akteursebene eine Definition freier Mitarbeiter*innen im Journalismus, die über bestehende Berufsfeldstudien hinausgeht. Zweitens präsentiert der Beitrag ein - in der vorgestellten Breite - neues theoretisches Modell, das die sozialintegrativen Theorien der Akteur-Struktur-Dynamiken und der Strukturationstheorie verbindet. Der Aufsatz verdeutlicht anhand konkreter Fragestellungen, dass erst eine Kombination beider Theorien dem Forschungsgegenstand und seinen vielfältigen Perspektiven gerecht werden kann sowie großes Potenzial für Arbeiten in der akteurstheoretischen Journalismusforschung bietet.The theoretical paper focuses on freelancers in local newspapers and their websites. These actors have been relevant in local journalism for decades. However, they have received little attention in journalism studies so far. The article provides approaches for a readjustment of journalism research in two respects: Firstly, it chooses a definition of freelancers in journalism that goes beyond existing professional studies. Secondly, the paper presents a new theoretical model that combines the theories of actor-structure dynamics and structuration in detail. The article focuses on exemplary research questions concerning freelancers in local journalism. It argues that only a combination of both theories can include the object of research in its diverse perspectives. It also offers potential for actor-centred studies in journalism research

    Cultural norm fulfillment, interpersonal belonging, or getting ahead? A large-scale cross-cultural test of three perspectives on the function of self-esteem.

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    What is the function of self-esteem? We classified relevant theoretical work into 3 perspectives. The cultural norm-fulfillment perspective regards self-esteem a result of adherence to cultural norms. The interpersonal-belonging perspective regards self-esteem as a sociometer of interpersonal belonging. The getting-ahead perspective regards self-esteem as a sociometer of getting ahead in the social world, while regarding low anxiety/neuroticism as a sociometer of getting along with others. The 3 perspectives make contrasting predictions on the relation between the Big Five personality traits and self-esteem across cultures. We tested these predictions in a self-report study (2,718,838 participants from 106 countries) and an informant-report study (837,655 informants from 64 countries). We obtained some evidence for cultural norm fulfillment, but the effect size was small. Hence, this perspective does not satisfactorily account for self-esteem's function. We found a strong relation between Extraversion and higher self-esteem, but no such relation between Agreeableness and self-esteem. These 2 traits are pillars of interpersonal belonging. Hence, the results do not fit the interpersonal-belonging perspective either. However, the results closely fit the getting-ahead perspective. The relation between Extraversion and higher self-esteem is consistent with this perspective, because Extraversion is the Big Five driver for getting ahead in the social world. The relation between Agreeableness and lower neuroticism is also consistent with this perspective, because Agreeableness is the Big Five driver for getting along with others.We acknowledge support from the German Research Foundation (DFG; Grant GE 2515/2-1).This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the American Psychological Association via http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pspp000005

    Tick-Borne Encephalitis Risk Increases with Dog Ownership, Frequent Walks, and Gardening: A Case-Control Study in Germany 2018–2020

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    In Germany, tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) infections mainly occur in southern regions. Despite recent increases in incidence, TBE vaccination coverage remains low, necessitating additional preventive strategies against TBE. Our case-control study in Southern Germany from 2018 to 2020 mapped knowledge/application of tick-protective strategies and identified TBE risk factors. We calculated odds ratios (OR), with 95% confidence intervals (CI). We interviewed 581 cases and 975 matched controls. Most participants recalled lifetime tick bites, mainly while walking, gardening, or hiking. However, only 45% of cases noticed ticks during exposure time; another 12% reported unpasteurized milk intake. While tick-protection knowledge was satisfactory, application lagged behind. Risk factors included dog ownership (OR = 2.45, 95% CI: 1.85–3.24), walks ≥ 4×/week (OR = 2.11, 95% CI: 1.42–3.12), gardening ≥ 4×/week (OR = 1.83, 95% CI: 1.11–3.02), and garden proximity < 250 m of forests (OR = 2.54, 95% CI: 1.82–3.56). Applying ≥2 tick-protective strategies (OR = 0.52, 95% CI: 0.40–0.68) and keeping lawns mowed (OR = 0.63, 95% CI: 0.43–0.91) were inversely associated with TBE. In 2020 (likely pandemic-related), cases reported significantly more walks than previously, potentially explaining the record high case numbers. Our findings provide guidance on targets for TBE prevention. Persons with gardens near forests, frequent outdoor activities, or dogs could particularly benefit from targeted information, including on vaccination and preventing tick bites.Peer Reviewe

    A clustering approach to automatic verb classification incorporating selectional preferences: model, implementation, and user manual

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    This report presents two variations of an innovative, complex approach to semantic verb classes that relies on selectional preferences as verb properties. The underlying linguistic assumption for this verb class model is that verbs which agree on their selectional preferences belong to a common semantic class. The model is implemented as a soft-clustering approach, in order to capture the polysemy of the verbs. The training procedure uses the Expectation-Maximisation (EM) algorithm (Baum, 1972) to iteratively improve the probabilistic parameters of the model, and applies the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle (Rissanen, 1978) to induce WordNet-based selectional preferences for arguments within subcategorisation frames. One variation of the MDL principle replicates a standard MDL approach by Li and Abe (1998), the other variation presents an improved pruning strategy that outperforms the standard implementation considerably. Our model is potentially useful for lexical induction (e.g., verb senses, subcategorisation and selectional preferences, collocations, and verb alternations), and for NLP applications in sparse data situations. We demonstrate the usefulness of the model by a standard evaluation (pseudo-word disambiguation), and three applications (selectional preference induction, verb sense disambiguation, and semi-supervised sense labelling)

    Effects of mild hypothermia on hemodynamics in cardiac arrest survivors and isolated failing human myocardium

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    Post-cardiac arrest myocardial dysfunction is a common phenomenon after return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and contributes to hemodynamic instability and low survival rates after cardiac arrest. Mild hypothermia for 24 h after ROSC has been shown to significantly improve neurologic recovery and survival rates. In the present study we investigate the influence of therapeutic hypothermia on hemodynamic parameters in resuscitated patients and on contractility in failing human myocardium. We analyzed hemodynamic data from 200 cardiac arrest survivors during the hypothermia period. The initial LVEF was 32.6 ± 1.2% indicating a significantly impaired LV function. During hypothermia induction, the infusion rate of epinephrine could be significantly reduced from 9.1 ± 1.3 μg/min [arrival intensive care unit (ICU) 35.4°C] to 4.6 ± 1.0 μg/min (34°C) and 2.8 ± 0.5 μg/min (33°C). The dobutamine and norepinephrine application rates were not changed significantly. The mean arterial blood pressure remained stable. The mean heart rate significantly decreased from 91.8 ± 1.7 bpm (arrival ICU) to 77.3 ± 1.5 bpm (34°C) and 70.3 ± 1.4 bpm (33°C). In vitro we investigated the effect of hypothermia on isolated ventricular muscle strips from explanted failing human hearts. With decreasing temperature, the contractility increased to a maximum of 168 ± 23% at 27°C (n = 16, P < 0.05). Positive inotropic response to hypothermia was accompanied by moderately increased rapid cooling contractures as a measure of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ content, but can be elicited even when the SR Ca2+ release is blocked in the presence of ryanodine. Contraction and relaxation kinetics are prolonged with hypothermia, indicating increased Ca2+ sensitivity as the main mechanism responsible for inotropy. In conclusion, mild hypothermia stabilizes hemodynamics in cardiac arrest survivors which might contribute to improved survival rates in these patients. Mechanistically, we demonstrate that hypothermia improves contractility in failing human myocardium most likely by increasing Ca2+-sensitivity

    Longitudinal Experience-Wide Association Studies-A Framework for Studying Personality Change

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    The importance of personality for predicting life outcomes in the domains of love, work, and health is well established, as is evidence that personality traits, while relatively stable, can change. However, little is known about the sources and processes that drive changes in personality traits and how such changes might impact important life outcomes. In this paper, we make the case that the research paradigms and methodological approaches commonly used in personality psychology need to be revised to advance our understanding of the sources and processes of personality change. We proposeLongitudinal Experience-Wide Association Studiesas a framework for studying personality change that can address the limitations of current methods, and we discuss strategies for overcoming some of the challenges associated withLongitudinal Experience-Wide Association Studies.Peer reviewe

    Why stop at two opinions? Reply to McCrae (2020)

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    McCrae (2020) argues that it is premature to explore interventions focused on personality change. In his commentary, he suggests that interventions should be promoted only if their effects in self-report data are confirmed by the additional opinion of informants. We agree with the essence of his position and would go further by envisioning a new framework for rigorous collaborative research on personality change (Bleidorn et al., 2020). We nevertheless maintain that policymakers would benefit from considering the additional opinion of personality scientists. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved)

    ITIH5 mediates epigenetic reprogramming of breast cancer cells

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    Extracellular matrix (ECM) is known to maintain epithelial integrity. In carcinogenesis ECM degradation triggers metastasis by controlling migration and differentiation including cancer stem cell (CSC) characteristics. The ECM-modulator inter- α-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain family member five (ITIH5) was recently identified as tumor suppressor potentially involved in impairing breast cancer progression but molecular mechanisms underlying its function are still elusive

    The optical nanosizer – quantitative size and shape analysis of individual nanoparticles by high-throughput widefield extinction microscopy

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    Nanoparticles are widely utilised for a range of applications, from catalysis to medicine, requiring accurate knowledge of their size and shape. Current techniques for particle characterisation are either not very accurate or time consuming and expensive. Here we demonstrate a rapid and quantitative method for particle analysis based on measuring the polarisation-resolved optical extinction cross-section of hundreds of individual nanoparticles using wide-field microscopy, and determining the particle size and shape from the optical properties. We show measurements on three samples consisting of nominally spherical gold nanoparticles of 20 nm and 30 nm diameter, and gold nanorods of 30 nm length and 10 nm diameter. Nanoparticle sizes and shapes in three dimensions are deduced from the measured optical cross-sections at different wavelengths and light polarisation, by solving the inverse problem, using an ellipsoid model of the particle polarisability in the dipole limit. The sensitivity of the method depends on the experimental noise and the choice of wavelengths. We show an uncertainty down to about 1 nm in mean diameter, and 10% in aspect ratio when using two or three color channels, for a noise of about 50 nm^2 in the measured cross-section. The results are in good agreement with transmission electron microscopy, both 2D projection and tomography, of the same sample batches. Owing to its combination of experimental simplicity, ease of access to statistics over many particles, accuracy, and geometrical particle characterisation in 3D, this 'optical nanosizer' method has the potential to become the technique of choice for quality control in next-generation particle manufacturing